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Blog: Een circulair plaatmateriaal, bestaat dat?

Blog: Een circulair plaatmateriaal, bestaat dat?

een duurzaam, circulair en biodegradeerbaar kunststof plaatmateriaal dat bestaat uit 100% biobased materialen. Je kunt BioPanel gebruiken voor bijna alles waar je ook...

InfoWelke folies kan je lasersnijden?

Which foils can you laser cut?

Do you need a foil cut according to your own design? In this blog post you will learn which films you can have laser cut and which material is the best choice for your application.

InfoMaterialen voor Prototyping

Materialen voor Prototyping

Bij Snijlab begrijpen we hoe cruciaal het is om de juiste materialen te kiezen voor je product. Soms wil je echter eerst meerdere ontwerpen testen zonder hiervoor meteen het duurste materiaal te ge...

Waarom lokaal produceren? 💚

Waarom lokaal produceren? 💚

Tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie werden Europese bedrijven met hun neus op de feiten gedrukt: onze toeleveringsketens zijn kwetsbaarder dan we dachten. Een simpel, maar cruciaal onderdeel dat ontbrak...

TutorialsHoe ontwerp ik een stempel?

Hoe ontwerp ik een stempel?

Bestel gemakkelijk je eigen stempelonderdelen. Wat zou jij graag willen stempelen? Van logo's tot tekeningen en zelfs verjaardagscadeaus, breng jouw ontwerpen tot leven in een lasergesneden stempel...

TutorialsLasersnijden met Adobe Illustrator - Snijlab

Laser cutting with Adobe Illustrator

Laser cutting with Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator is a vector drawing program that is used by many people. In this tutorial we will explain how to create a drawing for laser cutting with Illus...

TutorialsHoe maak ik een gravure? - Snijlab

How do I make an engraving?

Do you want to mark text, shapes or lines on your laser-cut parts? Then this can be done with an engraving. In the laser drawing you can distinguish between cutting and engraving. Laser engravin...

TutorialsNo screw no glue hamerverbinding - Snijlab

No screw no glue hammer connection

Do you want to connect two pieces of wood together without screws? This is a laserable wood connection that makes it very easy. How does it work? The hammer connection is a kind of pin and ho...

TutorialsOnderdelen nesten - Snijlab

Nesting parts

Nesting is the joining of different parts into one drawing. Do you have a lot of small parts? Or parts that fit well next to each other. Then nesting can be beneficial. Nesting is not beneficial...

TutorialsGravure invullen met inkt - Snijlab

Fill in engraving with ink

In addition to cutting out objects, it is also possible to engrave lines or surfaces. This technique is often used to indicate part numbers, illustrations, texts and floor plans or textures in mode...

InfoWat kost lasersnijden? - Snijlab

How much does laser cutting cost?

Calculating the costs of laser cutting is a complex story. There are many things that influence the costs of laser cutting. That is why you often see that no prices can be found online at laser cu...

KlantcasesDuurzame design verlichting - Snijlab

Sustainable design lighting

How Snijlab helps MDL!GHT make made-to-order lamps... MDL!GHT In 2018, Daphne van Dijk and Maarten van Asch had their first lamp made at Snijlab. They have now turned their brand MDL!GHT into an ...

TutorialsHoe maak ik een stencil of verfsjabloon? - Snijlab

How do I make a stencil or paint template?

Als je een verf stencil of verfsjabloon wilt maken, is lasersnijden een snelle en makkelijke manier om dit te doen. Het stencil wordt...

TutorialsLasersnijden met Solidworks - Snijlab

Laser cutting with Solidworks

Cutting out a part from Solidworks is very easy. Open the part We start in an assembly. Right-click on the desired part and choose ' Open Part ' You are now in the Part editor: Expor...

TutorialsSystainer inlay - Snijlab

Systainer inlay

Systainers* are robust, handy and easily available. They are perfect for making professional cases for instruments, tools, cameras or other sensitive equipment. Download the template Systainer T...

Meterschaal gegraveerd

Meterschaal gegraveerd

Een custom meterschaal kun je perfect laten lasergraveren. Dit voorbeeld is gemaakt met duotone acrylaat. Een materiaal waar de binnenkant een andere kleur heeft dan de buitenkant. Dit project is e...

Krat (gratis tekening) - Snijlab

Crate (free drawing)

In this template you can see how you can draw a crate for laser cutting at Snijlab. For example, you can use this template to have a crate made to a specific size, or you can add text or illustr...

Houten vouwboekje - Snijlab

Wooden folding booklet

A wooden cover with flexible hinge (sninge) as known from makezine, among others. Use this template to customize your own cover; add engravings or extra cutouts and upload your drawing to order. Pl...

TutorialsLasersnijden met Vectorworks - Snijlab

Laser cutting with Vectorworks

In this tutorial you will learn how to turn a 2D Vectorworks drawing into a laser drawing. As an example we use a simple facade for an architectural model (scale model). Vectorworks is a compute...

TutorialsZelf schroefdraad tappen in lasergesneden onderdelen - Snijlab

Tapping threads yourself in laser-cut parts

With a thread tap you can easily make threads in laser-cut plastic parts. The most suitable material for tapping threads is POM (polyacetal) , because it is tough and strong. In your laser cutting ...

TutorialsTabjes aanbrengen in lasertekening - Snijlab

Applying tabs in laser drawing

For all materials, parts smaller than 5x5 millimeters can be lost during the laser process. We cannot guarantee that we can supply residual shapes of small holes. Wooden miniature cannons, by H...

TutorialsLasergesneden blad - Snijlab

Laser cut leaf

A decorative hybrid between nature and technology, and also a fun project: Create your own laser-cut leaf. Below is a short tutorial. What do you need? a picture of the vein structure of ...

TutorialsVerfstencil / Spuitsjabloon maken - Snijlab

Create a paint stencil / spray stencil

To work If you are going to draw with Illustrator, download our template here . The maximum dimensions and colors have already been set so that you can get started right away. As always, you can...

InfoVoorbeeld tekst graveren - Snijlab

Sample text engraving

Single line font? Especially for small letters, it is advisable to use a font that you can convert to ' single line strokes '. This gives the letters no outline, but a single engraving line. Tha...