Info > Design > Drawing rules

Follow the drawing rules so that your drawing is read correctly by the website.

Drawing rules

What do I need?

For laser cutting you need a vector drawing This is a digital drawing consisting of lines. You can use programs such as Adobe Illustrator, AutoCad and Rhinoceros for this purpose. Work according to our drawing rules so that your drawing is read correctly.

Drawing format

Format your drawing according to the rules below for immediate ordering. You can use almost any vector editing program for this.

File types






Maximum dimension

1200x600 mm


Put text and tessellations To turn into outlines

Clean files

No size markings, frames, centerlines, etc.

Layer name and line color

As described below

Layers and colors

Use the appropriate layer name and line color for laser cutting or engraving.
The preview in the uploader shows how your drawing is loaded, we produce what the preview shows.

Color Layer name Layer Type
Cut Blue (rgb 0,0,255) cut lines, polylines, curves, splines
Line engraving Red (rgb 255,0,0) line engraving lines,polylines,curves,splines
plane engraving Magenta (rgb 255,0,255) plane engraving closed lines, polylines, curves and splines


See also the tutorial How do I make an engraving?

Drawing tips

Convert text elements to vector lines

Convert shapes to lines according to drawing rules

Convert overlapping tessellations to shapes

Merge overlapping cut lines

Draw a frame around engravings to upload them


If you need different parts of the same material, you can combine them into one drawing (nests). Read how nests work here

Cutting width

The cutting width of the laser beam, or cutting loss, is between 0.15 and 0.2 mm depending on the material.

When you draw a line, half the cutting width disappears on either side.
An example with a cutting width of 0.2 mm:

You can compensate for the cut width in your drawing. This is necessary, for example, to make close-fitting joints.


Software and templates

It is not necessary to use a template but it will help you get started quickly.


Export to .dwg 2004 natural

Download template For laser cutting in Autocad.

Adobe Illustrator

Export to .ai (pdf compatibility on)

View tutorial For drawing formatting in Adobe Illustrator.

Download template For laser cutting in Adobe Illustrator.


Export to .dxf 2004 natural


Export to .pdf

View tutorial For drawing formatting in Autocad.

Download template For laser cutting in Inkscape.


Export to .dxf

View tutorial For drawing formatting in Solidworks.


Export to .pdf (drawings or .dxf (parts)

View tutorial For drawing formatting in Onshape.

SketchUp Pro

Export to .pdf

View tutorial For drawing formatting in SketchUp Pro.

Download template For laser cutting in SketchUp Pro.


Export to .pdf

View tutorial For drawing formatting in Vectorworks.

Download template For laser cutting in Vectorworks.

Hoe maak ik een ontwerp voor lasersnijden? - Snijlab

How do I create a design for laser cutting?

Begin hier als je wilt weten hoe je een ontwerp moet maken voor lasersnijden. We geven je tips en een overzicht van onze tutorials.