
How do I create a design for laser cutting?

How do I create a design for laser cutting? - Snijlab

The possibilities with laser cutting are endless, but this sometimes makes finding a starting point difficult. In addition, it can be confusing to take into account all drawing rules. To help you with this, we have put together some tips for you.


Templates are sample projects whose drawings we make available. You can download the drawings and modify them to fit your own project. We hope this will give you a push to start working on your design.


Check out the tutorials for in-dept documentation on creating a drawing.

Here you can find the following tutorials:

Making a box 

Want to create a box? You can easily generate one online using one of these two free tools. Enter your dimensions and the site will create a ready-made cutting drawing for you.

I want to get started right away. How do I do that? 

Start with an idea. First think about what you want to make and then work it out in a vector drawing. You create a vector drawing in one of the following programs Illustrator, Autocad, Rhinoceros, Inkscape, Solidworks, Onshape, SketchUp, Vectorworks. Use the correct line colors and layer names(read the drawing rules). Export your drawing as .dxf, .dwg, .ai or .pdf. Now you have a design that you can order.

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