
Laser cutting small parts

Kleine onderdelen lasersnijden - Snijlab

Laser cutting is very suitable for precision work. With our tips you will get the best result.

Minimum dimensions

Parts smaller than 5 x 5 mm can get lost during cutting. Do you still need parts smaller than 5 x 5 mm? Then you can make sure they stay in the plate in the plate with tabs.

What are tabs?

Tabs are small interruptions in the cutting line of approximately 0.5 mm. Also known as tabs or bridges.

  • Parts smaller than 10 x 10 mm minimum 1 tab
  • Parts up to 50 x 50 mm two to three tabs
  • Parts larger than 50 x 50 mm more than 3 tabs

Screenshot of small parts with tabs

Cutting width

When drawing small parts, take the cutting width into account.

The cutting width of the laser beam, or cutting loss, is between 0.15 and 0.2 mm depending on the material.

When you draw a line, half of the cutting width disappears on both sides.

An example with a cutting width of 0.2 mm:

Illustration of cutting widths

You can compensate for the section width in your drawing. This is necessary, for example, to make tight connections.

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